Privacy Policy

In compliance with Law n.º 67/98 of October 26, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the processing of personal data collected on the website is the responsibility of Vinhais Hotel, headquartered at Rua dos Frades, s/n 5320-331 Vinhais, Portugal.

To guarantee the security of your data and maximum confidentiality, we treat the information you provide us with as absolutely confidential, by our internal security and confidentiality policies and procedures.

There is a commitment to ensure the privacy of your personal data. With this document, we intend to clarify which user information is collected on our website and how this data is used by Vinhais Hotel.

About data collection

On our website, information is collected in the following ways:

1. Information provided by the user:

We collect personally identifiable information (such as name and email), by completing the contact form.

2. Contact history:

We store information about all contacts already made, such as content downloaded from our page and interactions via email. This storage is carried out on the CRM platform used by the company, which obeys specific rules for access by employees.

3. Website navigation information:

When you visit our website, a "cookie" is inserted in your browser through the Google Analytics software, to identify how many times you access our address. Information such as IP address, geographic location, referral source, browser type, duration of visit, and pages visited are collected anonymously.

See our Cookies Policy

About the use of your personal information

This term allows Vinhais Hotel to use the personal data collected to publicize its offer, as well as to send legal information and clarifications about the services provided by the Hotel.

The e-mail is used to send information requested by completing the form and can also be used to send commercial and informative newsletters. For example: communicating the launch of promotions and activities at Vinhais Hotel.

About access to your personal information

Only employees of Vinhais Hotel can see your personal information, no personal information can be publicly disclosed.

Vinhais Hotel also undertakes not to sell, rent or pass on your information to third parties. The only exception is in cases where such information is required by law or in court.

Rights of data subjects

Vinhais Hotel also guarantees that, under the terms of the RGPD, you will be able to exercise your rights, namely the Right of Access, Right to Limitation of Data Processing, Right to Oppose Data Processing, Right to Forgetfulness or Erasure and Right to Personal Data Portability.

About sharing content on social media

By clicking on the buttons for sharing content on social networks, the user is publishing the content through his profile on the selected network.

Vinhais Hotel does not have access to the user's login and password on social networks, nor will it publish content on behalf of the user without the user performing this action.

About unsubscribing and changing/deleting personal information

Users can choose to stop receiving any type of email from us. In all emails we send there is always an unsubscribe link, available in the last lines, clicking on this link will remove you from the list.

It is important to mention that when filling out any form again, your email will be referenced in the contact list. Therefore, the cancellation request must be made again if it is in your interest.

To change your personal information or even exclude it from our database, simply send an email to

Period of permanence of contacts in the database

If there is no request for cancellation/deletion of personal information, Vinhais Hotel will keep and use them, for the purposes specified in this document, for a period strictly necessary for their treatment.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to updates. Therefore, we recommend that you periodically visit this page so that you are aware of the changes. Before using information for purposes other than those defined in this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your authorization.


As with many other websites, ours may use Cookies or other technologies to help us deliver content specific to your interests, and analyze your visiting patterns.

Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to reveal your individual identity. This information identifies your browser, not you, to our servers when you visit the site.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files with relevant information that your access device (Computer, Mobile Phone, Smartphone or Tablet) loads through the internet browser (Browser) when the user visits our website.

The cookies used on our website do not collect personal information that allows identifying the user. Its use is made solely and exclusively to improve users' navigation, understanding their behaviour, tastes and interests in a global way.

In this way, we try to analyze the data provided by navigation in order to improve the use and visualization of our website, making it simpler and faster, providing a more interesting and dynamic browsing experience.

The user can, at any time and through his internet browser (Browser), decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into his system. It should be noted, however, that the refusal to use cookies on our website may result in the non-operation of important aspects.

Cookies functioning

In general, and as we have already mentioned, cookies are used to improve the user's browsing experience, increasing the speed and efficiency of our website's response.

We collect information about navigation on our website, such as the most visited pages, the user's origin (search, third-party recommendation, advertisements or campaigns).

We do not make the information collected by cookies available to third parties, except when required by law (State Agencies or Law Enforcement). However, we point out again that if you do not want to store data from our website on your device (Computer, Mobile Phone, Smartphone or Tablet), there are ways to block some or all cookies and delete all those that have already been saved.

Types of Cookies

Analytics Cookies:

They are used to analyze the way in which users use our website. These cookies are only used for statistical creation and analysis, without ever collecting personal information. This way we can provide a high quality experience.

Functionality Cookies:

They save the user's preferences regarding the use of our website, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the website each time you visit it.

Third-Party Cookies:

A third-partys a cookie that's placed on a user's device -- computer, cellphone or tablet -- by a website from a domain other than the one the user is visiting.
Third-party cookies are most frequently used for online advertising. These cookies track a user's browsing history and activities so they can present them with personalized ads for products and services.

Cookies validity

Permanent Cookies:

They are stored at the level of the internet browser (Browser) on your access device (Computer, Mobile Phone, Smartphone, or Tablet) and are used whenever you make a new visit to our website. They are generally used to direct navigation according to the user's interests, allowing us to provide more personalized service.

Session Cookies:

These cookies are temporary and are available until you exit our website. The next time the user accesses his internet browser (Browser) these cookies will no longer be stored. The information obtained by these cookies serves to analyze traffic patterns on the web, allowing us to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.

Cookies when opening newsletters and emails

As newsletters e emails podem, para fins estatísticos, conter uma pequena imagem que permitem saber se são abertas e verificar os cliques através de links ou anúncios dentro da newsletter. O utilizador tem sempre a possibilidade de descativar o envio da newsletter ou email através da opção específica no rodapé da newsletter ou emails.

Para que não utilizamos Cookies

The cookies we use do not collect information that identifies the user or any information that is considered sensitive, such as personal identification, email addresses, passwords or credit card information.

The information that these cookies collect does not allow users to be personally identified nor does it allow them to monitor their browsing activity on other websites.

How you can delete Cookies

It's easy to delete cookies you've previously accepted. It depends on which browser (MS Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and device (smartphone, tablet, PC, Mac) you are using.

Typically, you can find this information under settings – Security and Privacy – but this can vary from browser to browser. Please specify which device/browser you are using:

Any questions regarding our Privacy and Cookies Policy can be clarified by contacting us.